Part 43: The Conqueror - Preparation
Chapter 19: The Conqueror
Beating paralogue 17 gives great tomes available to purchase.
Archwind is a 6 Mt, C rank wind tome. Ruin is a great weapon for Anathema users as it has a higher crit than a
forged Killer weapon (50 vs. a forge's 45).
But now it's time to avenge Basilio and end this war with the Valmese.
No sign of them yet, milord.
I don't like it. They could be buying time...
...Buying time waiting for what?
(Inside the castle)
Mmm, the anticipation before a battle. My hairs stand on endevery one of them! Makes it difficult to brush, if I may say... But today's struggle will set the course of history, once and for all.
Today's "struggle," Cervantes? I think you mean today's SLAUGHTER.
That's the spirit, tactician!
Wha No! *sigh* I JUST finished explaining this to you. What is wrong with your ears?!
The Resistance will destroy itselfyou and I needn't so much as lift a finger. The Ylissean League thinks the dynasts no longer fear us...
But they don't understand how...persuasive my methods can be! Hya ha ha! They'll know once they see their former friends with knives to their backs!
Chives and flapjacks, you say?
The battle is won before it's started, and without us risking any further casualties!
Hya ha! Brilliant, if I do say so myself. And really, no one else is capable of judging... Ah well... Tea, Cervantes? I have a stash of gray-root blend here...simply divine...
Why, Excellus, thank you. It IS quite a divine 'stache, isn't it, eh wot!
You imbecile! "Stash"! The tea! The Oh why do I even bother! *Sigh* If only there were someone with the intellect to appreciate my talents...
*Walhart arrives*
Y-yes, my master!
Who is the pinnacle of man, in body, mind, and spirit? Who is greater than the gods?
Only you, my master!
Well, Excellus, that seems to contradict your last statement. What say you?
...M-my master! I assure you, I meant no offense! I only celebrate achievements in your service, master. To your glory.
Glory is won on the battlefield! Glory is meeting your enemy's eyes and watching the hope drain away with his life... Glory is not won holed up in a castle with plots and cowardly schemes. And I'll be dead before I let some dynast farm lord take today's glory in my stead.
Oh, why yes, of course! And so well put, my master, hya ha... I only meant that
*Walhart leaves*
But for someone so clever, you really can be quite daft.
What?! You DARE speak to me like some child? ...Like your EQUAL?!
Ta ha ha! Your equal? No, fear not. I will never think of you as my equal, worm.
Now if you'll excuse me, I would shave and wax up before the fight...
*Cervantes leaves*
To hell with him...with the both of them!
... *Sigh* Now, Excellus, keep your wits about you. They're all you have...besides good looks.
Let Walhart charge aheadthe big, stupid lobster... I'll end up on the winning side one way or another! Whee hee hee hee!
A huge army awaits us, with many more expected from the multiple forts in this mission.
Walhart carries the Sol sword (12 Mt, B rank sword that gives the ability Sol) and the Conqueror ability, which negates his weakness from anti-horse and knight weaponry. Along with Aegis, he forces units to go one-on-one against him. Of course, Owain can probably beat him easily with Amatsu but that's just Owain.
Characters in:
Chrom, Tiki, Brady, Morgan, Robin
Pick up to 10 characters to defeat the Valmese army: